Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I Shall Return

Written Aug 4, 2005

It's 3 am and I'm just waiting for my flight that'll leave in 2 and a half hours. I'll be away from town for just a couple of days and will meet with my cousins and other relatives for our reunion in Roxas City. Im somewhat lackadaisical in going coz I'll be coming straight from the office and I havent had enough sleep since last night. But since I'm packed and dont wanna be a wet blanket, I decided to go anyway.

Two days seem short. But staying in the province with nothing to do but to stare at the stars at night would feel an eternity. I'm gonna miss a lot of things - my Babes, siblings, home, friends, my room, work (hard to believe but yeah, I'll miss it), co-workers and the noisy hustle bustles of the urban life.

But I shall return... You cant get rid of me. Hehe!


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