Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Written Oct 22, 2005

I wonder what you're doing now. I wonder if amidst all the noise, laughter, smoke, flickering lights and endless exchange of glances, you still get to think of me. I wonder if someone is staring at you with full lust right at this very moment. I wonder if you're staring right back. I wonder how many bottles of beer would it take for you to forget. I wonder if you've already forgotten.

When someone approaches you and asks for your name, would you tell him you're already taken? If someone leans to kiss you, would you avoid the tempting lips? If he reaches for your hand, would you remember my touch? Would you remember that I'm here longing for you, silently waiting to hear from you? When you get drunk with all the wine and someone caresses you in the dark, would you feel my pain? The burning pain that fires up my whole being. When you go home, and you find that I'm no longer there, would you even care?

Would you care at all?


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