Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Farewell Note

Leaving an organization has never been easy. You leave your comfort zone, familiar walls, friendly faces, and the routine all at once. But there's always a very good reason for making this tough decision. Unfortunately, I've come to the same point where I have to make a choice. For more than two years that I've been with Convergys, I have been blessed working with the best people in the industry. I will never forget the times and all the hardwork that everyone had to put into the program to see it grow and expand to where it is now, starting from measly 18 agents. Never, not even in my wildest dreams, have I imagined us to grow so big and so fast. Surely a great accomplishment and it's all because of you...

For Boss Rain - Your brilliance will always be an inspiration. I've never worked with anyone with such amazing people skills and can squeeze in a few minutes of his time to talk to people and provide sensible advices in the midst of your never-ending busy days. I am sure you've been commended countless times and adding up one more won't do any harm. You're doing a very good job in keeping your people by being just and compassionate at the same time. I am sure you will go to greater heights because of those values.

For Elmer - You're not just my SOM. You're a friend, a mentor, and my counselor. For several times you have been my savior. Hopefully, I'll be able to pay you back someday for everything that you've done for me. I will always have full trust in your capacity and wisdom.

For all the OMs - Thank you for the guidance and for your infinite patience. Forgive me for stretching it a few times.

For the TLs (both in and out of SBC) - It has always been fun working with you. I've learned most of the things that I need to by following your ways. Keep on helping each other.

For the QSPs, SLTs, Eli, Tigs, Marie, Mikko O., Fred V., and Aubs - You've made work much easier for me. You were always there for support and I am so thankful for all the help. Aubs, congratulations on your promotion! I just heard. You deserve it. =) Eli, I wish you'd get well soon. You have my prayers.

For Shannon - You've been very very kind to me. Words are not enough to say how grateful I am for getting to know you. Sorry for not replying all the time.

For Medj - I will miss our lunch/dinner dates, our endless chats and daily dose of rants. Dino is a very lucky guy. Best wishes on your newly-wed life!

For Tris Tecson - Thank you for dropping me off on your way home a few times. I'll miss our chismisan. You're doing really well at work and in losing weight. I'll be happy to see you advance more. Regards to Joji and Gerry.

For Jade - My yosi and chika buddy. I've missed you every single day eversince you've moved out of the program. Now, I'll miss you even more. Your good heart and thoughtfulness to your family doesn't cease to impress me. Take care of Donald.

For Arni, Alfred, Pao, Coocoo, Marsz, Patty, Lala and the rest of Wave 1 (or what's left of it) - I can still remember the days of training. Look where you are now! We've met our goals. Well done!

For Nicole, Marvin, Karen, Donne, Archie, Auds, Shega, Liezl, Bing, Jennilyn, Alex, Burns, and Tiff - I had soooo much fun! You're a riot! Thinking of not seeing you everyday anymore brings me great relief. Haha! Just kidding. Seriously, thank you for being dear friends to me. You've kept me sane when I need to be. All our talks and moments together will forever be precious. You made life worth living. Stop crying, everything will be alright. Ang umiyak nakakagalet! =p
For my Team (old and present) - You have been my source of strength. Thank you for trusting me and allowing me to take good care of you. I would love to see you all reach your dreams. Aim high... Aim higher.

Finally, please keep my contact information and drop me a line or two once in awhile to ease the pain of longingness. In return, I'll keep you all as friends. It's a small world. I'm sure we'll see each other again. Til then, it has been an honor working with you all.